40-Day Journals

Grow In Your Relationship With Jesus Forty Days At a time!

TDL Lenten Journals

TDL 40-Day Journey

How many ways could your relationship with Jesus change in forty days? What might you be willing to do to test yourself and find out how much more you can grow in your relationship with Jesus? Join me and the TDL community together we will take a forty-day journey and grow spiritually, mentally, and physically. Most importantly together we will grow in holiness forty days at a time.


My41st Day Journal On Prudence

My41st Day is a tool designed to help you prepare for the next forty days, to grow closer to Christ, through a deeper understanding of God’s will, and grow in the knowledge and practice of the Holy Virtues. My41st Day is a journal that takes you on a forty-day journey focused on:

  1. One of God’s Virtues for a forty-day preparation period.
  2. Guidance from the Saints giving you a role model to live by an intercessory prayer partner to pray with you and support you.
  3. Scripture verses and quotes to inspire you.


QV40 Mind Mapping

Welcome to QV40, Quo Vadis, the English translation is, “Where are you going.” QV40  is a dual-purpose tool designed to help you grow in holiness by doing the things that will help you become more Christ-like. With the aid of this unique method of “Mind Mapping,” your path to increased holiness will be laid out, forty-days at a time. Easily managed over ten habit-forming days at a time.


3 Book Bundle

Get the 3 book Bundle with discount price

1.TDL 40-Day Journey
2. My41st Day Journal On Prudence
3. QV40 Mind Mapping

$29.85 $24.95

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